Today McCain appeared behind empty shelves talking about the economy. Neither his words (or imagery) were strong enough. Frank Luntz says voters want McCain to be more is his chance to really move the needle.
FDR spoke to people's hearts in the Depression.before he advocated policy recommendations. What do we STILL recall from his fireside chats: "We have nothing to fear but fear itself." He united the nation with his inner strength.
Under the anger on Main Street is fear and confusion...fear about "what will happen to me" and confusion about why this all is happening. The candidate who speaks courageously to this fear will own this issue.
This FIRESIDE CHAT format fits McCain's strengths. It takes his war hero resilience and spiritual stature and applies it to the economy.
These talks should be short. One topic per segment. A series of at least 10, each covering an aspect of the situation. ((I am actually working on such a list, I'm starting an internet radio show to explore this crisis. It's a great idea but MUCH MORE POWERFUL IF MCCAIN DOES IT.))
For each topic, he should picture in his mind an actual person who will lose his job, life savings, and way of life. Today's talk missed hitting voters right in the gut. He can do it and he must do it to win.
If this is of interest, I give it away freely. This is the most important crisis of my lifetime and if I can help in any way, I am honored to do so.
I will write my heart out for McCain -- that is what I do. I'm a Rust Belt survivor who never wants others to go through the economic pain that comes with business falling apart all around us.
These angry folks opposing the bailout just haven't a clue. And those who think the statist, leftist Obama knows about economic leadership...see the next post.
Wednesday: Architecture Billings Index
4 hours ago